Wednesday 25 November 2009

References - Vest

This vest is pretty much what I want, I'm not too fond about the lines passing through each diamond though. The padded areas around the bottom, neck and shoulder are good with the way they're made, it's slightly thicker and more interesting to look at. I see how the top curves to support the armpit area too.
Very similar to theone before, but the arm holes are bigger. I had imagined Johnny, with only his arms on display with the shirt, nothing more.
The size is nice, it's slimmer then the first ones, though it is very low cut, which is not what I'm after at all. I'm still going for blues though, it's more or a known school colour I rekcon

Again, the holes for the arms are too big yet, but it is plainly obvious that diamonds are a a popular design for vests like these. The material is most likely cotton, not too thick but enough to keep someone warm.
I notice the necks are all shaped differnet too. I think it's be best to head for a sharp point in front of the neck where the v-shape forms, like the first image.
The shape is good, how it goes in at the waist, yet everything else is not what I want. I don't think adding a badge would be such a good idea now that I see that the majority of these vests ave none. So it was beneficial that I found this image.

References - trousers

With these trousers I can see that the crotch has a lot of creases in many directions, pointing up towards the pocket and down towards the knee. Creases show up too, this could be good or the animation, to help identify which way the Johnny is facing.

Again, the creases are present. The material over the zip is almost straight too, carrying on up until the top where the button is, though there'll be no need to model the button as the belt shall be covering it. Stitching may also have to be taken into consideration.

I too could bring in the kneee and flare out the bottom of the trousers, it would seem the flaring would be suitable for when covering the shoe. Pockets will be at each side also.
The gaps for the belt should be okay, but if I have to ill just merge objects to one another to simulate it rather than actually model it.

This is fited, which is great as Johnny is a slim character and will wear fitted trousers. When the leg is bent, creases are created from th tenion point, in which case would be the knee, so all creases should direct to/from the knee, and anywhere else were the trousers may be being stretched, like his hips.

Reference - shoes

This is okay, but it seems more of an adult shoe rather than a school pupil shoe. Even though it's simple, it still has detail, which is what I like about it, I can go for that too, adding little deatil on the shoe, yet keeping it simple in design. I also like how the laces arern't toovisible, meaning less to model.

This seems a little more along the lines of what Johnny would wear. The deatil is nice, though when it comes to CG, I'm unure of how to create such holes, likely the same as when I created the chair last year. Though it'll become far too tedious, and if a mistake is made, it'll possibly ruin the whole shoe. The sole if the shoe seems simple enough though.

This is more of hat I had in mind for johnny's shoes. Thoguh now, I think a lttel more deatil like one of the shoes above will be beneficail, not only for th animation and the design of Jonny himself, but for my Maya skills also. I'm thiking a square end, with a more greyish colour, like the shoe above with some detail like the top shoe perhaps. Though no lces as the trousers wil be slightly hanging over the shoe anyway.

Soles are thicker on this shoe, moreso than the preious one, which seemed almost non-existent towards the toes, meaning less comfort. The stutching following alongside the shoe is a nice detail, something I hope to add to my own design later on.

References - cufflinks

I think these are better than some of the other cufflinks I've seen previous to this, but they are prbably a bit too much. I don't mind going for a square link though, as ong as it looks smart, though I'd rather not too much detail on it as it is only a cufflink after all, it won't be too eye-catching. But still nevertheless, I'll model them proportionately and well.

I quite iike this design but I am unure on how it will sit on the cuff, with the square one, it'll be easier because it has a flat surface, hover this particar one is more oval. It's still a little flat, but not as much as the previous one.
These ones are fine; simple yet small. Possibly a littl bring though, with them being really flat, whereas the first ones above were more elaborate in design than these. If I were to choose, it'll probably be the first.

These one I like, simple again, sqaure so it's easy to see it fitting on the cuff and it's not completely flat, it has some dimension to it, which'll mak it look nicer. I'll likely choose a silver cufflink for Johnny.

References - shirts

I'm not too fond to the arcing of the collar, but this is to help me gain more knowledge about how the collar sits on around the neck. Plus it helps for how the shirt spreads out from the button into the collar.

I much prefer this kind of collar, even though it is nt being worn, I can tell that it won't arc. Seams are noticable on the shoyulder, but they won't matter as it is only the sleeves and the neck of the shirt that will be seen
The cuff looks good too, though I have other pictures of cuffs. I think I'm confident on knowing how to create the sleeve, with the placket and the cuff. So I shall test this in Maya.
Sttching, although not very visible, is there, and will too have to be taken in account when modelling.

This is just giving me an idea of how the shirt will open from the front placket, I don't believe it should be too difficult to model at all really.

This cuff look easy enough, as it's not curved, meaning less polygons to create it. It is nice to see it cose up though, to see more. Even the buttons, it'll help for when I'm creating the cuff, I canrefer back to this fo the sizes os each part, which I'd ind useful.

Many differnt cuff designs, some of which are boring and some of which are possibly out of fashion for a modern, snobby kid. I can take a design and make it a little more fashionable if need be.
Good to see the different designs of the cuffs though, just ned to change the cufflink and it should fine I reckon.

Reference - Preppies

(From Canis Canem Edit, PS2) I like the design of the preppies in this game, it's similr to how I imagine Johnny to look. I unsure about the pattern, but I may decide to go along with it.
Deatail is noticable in the vest where it ends by the neck and shoulers, something I will definately have to add when designing Johnny.

Theses prepies/bullies are far too big or how Johnny will look, as Johnny is tall and thin, not tall and muscly. They are very broad whereas Johnny won't be. Bades will be on the left side also. All school badges on blzers and jumpers are always on the left, so my design must follow this too.

Similar to Johnny's body proportions, but instead will be not wearing a jacket of course. Belt to wide also. I believe I will have the bottom of the vest reach the belt so there is no gap between to show the shirt, so it's as if the bottom of the vest is resting on the belt.
I still like his prioportions for my character though.
In this final picture, badges and anything of significance still on the left I notice. Scarves won't be added in the animation, nor will ties. But I'm just trying to get an idea of how they look, how they hold themselves, like with some having their hans in the pockets, ither it being just the thumb or the whole hand. I'd like to add on arm on the hip when modelling though.

References - Belt

The buckle is obviously centred in the middle, so that'll help drawing the rest of the belt, trousers, etc. This belt is plain, one I'll posibly create in Maya. It depends on how I could recreate stitches realistically without actually creating them. Holes are abut an inch away from each other too, useful for when drawing/modelling them. This particular belt has 5.

I see this belt is very plain also, buckle is black and more
more squared off at the edges, something I might use just for simplicity.
I also notice the small gap btween the buckle and the belt itself, I'll remember this for when it comes to modelling it.

This belt also has 5 holes. I'll have to pay attention to the buckle area and how that looks if I want to accurately recreate a belt. For the stitches, I think I could just pull in a thin row of vertecies, making an indent in the belt, to show some sort of detail.

The holes look more interesting also, I think I mihgt like to try to recreate this in maya, to see how it loks, and if it's worth adding in the final maya design.

This belt has a lot of stitching in it, it's detailed. From this I can tell it's a thin, but thick belt. It's not wide but is is strong, the edges are very sharp aswell. I will have to be careful in modelling this so that the belt and buckle fit perfectly.
As my character is only a child, he'd not need such a wide belt, so a thin one will be suitable, but I am uncertain to have one with flat edges such as this, its be easier no doubt but I I feel I can then I most likely will unless I get caught up in modellin something esle or don't feel as though I should be spending so much time on it when it could be spent elsewhere


Right, this project will have me working in a group with Chris and Lucy on a CG animation. We will have to create a narrative, design the charaters, model, rig and animate them.

At first we were going to create a lab with a robot techncian/scientist overlooking an experiment with two contained animals, one of which was innocent-looking but mischievous, the other eing the victim, with opposite physical characteristics. But we dropped that idea as it lead us nowhere, and had no story.

We then thought about a lazy old man being told to lean the house by his wife. But with him being lazy, he sits in his chair and controls a house robot to clean everything for him. However we decided to think of more ideas.

I decided upon an story that a toy was loved by his owner one minute, but then tossed aside when the owner got a new, beter looking toy. The old toy was thrown away in the garage, and within ther, he created himself a human companion out of the objects found in the garage. It came to me when Ithought of how people toss mobile phones away, some people never actually get rid of them, they just put them somewhere (or sell them peraps).
However it was too Toy Story-like, so we carried on.

We then developed the idea of two boys playing in the park with their toy robots. One boy was small, fat and docile with an old toy, whereas the other kid (the snobbish bully) was tall, thin and arrogant with a flashy, new toy.
The bully (Johnny) approaches the small kid (Mikey) nad shows off his cool new toy, whereas Mikey misinterprets this act of showing off for playing. Mikey is oblivious to these 'cool stunts' Johnny's robot is performing. Mikey momentarily turns round for a snack, and Johnny begins to approach him again. When this happens, Mikey's robot 'comes to life' halting Johnny where he stands.
Mikey's robot now performs and completely shows up Johnny's robot by actually being able to fly and shoot, not just replicating them like Johnny' robot had. Johnny and his robot are left gobsmacked as Mikey's robot flies off holdiong Mikey. Johnny kicks over his robot in frustration, leading him to chase Johnny around as Mikey flies off.

That is our story for our CG animation.