Wednesday 25 November 2009

References - cufflinks

I think these are better than some of the other cufflinks I've seen previous to this, but they are prbably a bit too much. I don't mind going for a square link though, as ong as it looks smart, though I'd rather not too much detail on it as it is only a cufflink after all, it won't be too eye-catching. But still nevertheless, I'll model them proportionately and well.

I quite iike this design but I am unure on how it will sit on the cuff, with the square one, it'll be easier because it has a flat surface, hover this particar one is more oval. It's still a little flat, but not as much as the previous one.
These ones are fine; simple yet small. Possibly a littl bring though, with them being really flat, whereas the first ones above were more elaborate in design than these. If I were to choose, it'll probably be the first.

These one I like, simple again, sqaure so it's easy to see it fitting on the cuff and it's not completely flat, it has some dimension to it, which'll mak it look nicer. I'll likely choose a silver cufflink for Johnny.

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