Wednesday 25 November 2009


Right, this project will have me working in a group with Chris and Lucy on a CG animation. We will have to create a narrative, design the charaters, model, rig and animate them.

At first we were going to create a lab with a robot techncian/scientist overlooking an experiment with two contained animals, one of which was innocent-looking but mischievous, the other eing the victim, with opposite physical characteristics. But we dropped that idea as it lead us nowhere, and had no story.

We then thought about a lazy old man being told to lean the house by his wife. But with him being lazy, he sits in his chair and controls a house robot to clean everything for him. However we decided to think of more ideas.

I decided upon an story that a toy was loved by his owner one minute, but then tossed aside when the owner got a new, beter looking toy. The old toy was thrown away in the garage, and within ther, he created himself a human companion out of the objects found in the garage. It came to me when Ithought of how people toss mobile phones away, some people never actually get rid of them, they just put them somewhere (or sell them peraps).
However it was too Toy Story-like, so we carried on.

We then developed the idea of two boys playing in the park with their toy robots. One boy was small, fat and docile with an old toy, whereas the other kid (the snobbish bully) was tall, thin and arrogant with a flashy, new toy.
The bully (Johnny) approaches the small kid (Mikey) nad shows off his cool new toy, whereas Mikey misinterprets this act of showing off for playing. Mikey is oblivious to these 'cool stunts' Johnny's robot is performing. Mikey momentarily turns round for a snack, and Johnny begins to approach him again. When this happens, Mikey's robot 'comes to life' halting Johnny where he stands.
Mikey's robot now performs and completely shows up Johnny's robot by actually being able to fly and shoot, not just replicating them like Johnny' robot had. Johnny and his robot are left gobsmacked as Mikey's robot flies off holdiong Mikey. Johnny kicks over his robot in frustration, leading him to chase Johnny around as Mikey flies off.

That is our story for our CG animation.

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