Wednesday 25 November 2009

References - Vest

This vest is pretty much what I want, I'm not too fond about the lines passing through each diamond though. The padded areas around the bottom, neck and shoulder are good with the way they're made, it's slightly thicker and more interesting to look at. I see how the top curves to support the armpit area too.
Very similar to theone before, but the arm holes are bigger. I had imagined Johnny, with only his arms on display with the shirt, nothing more.
The size is nice, it's slimmer then the first ones, though it is very low cut, which is not what I'm after at all. I'm still going for blues though, it's more or a known school colour I rekcon

Again, the holes for the arms are too big yet, but it is plainly obvious that diamonds are a a popular design for vests like these. The material is most likely cotton, not too thick but enough to keep someone warm.
I notice the necks are all shaped differnet too. I think it's be best to head for a sharp point in front of the neck where the v-shape forms, like the first image.
The shape is good, how it goes in at the waist, yet everything else is not what I want. I don't think adding a badge would be such a good idea now that I see that the majority of these vests ave none. So it was beneficial that I found this image.

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