Wednesday 25 November 2009

Reference - shoes

This is okay, but it seems more of an adult shoe rather than a school pupil shoe. Even though it's simple, it still has detail, which is what I like about it, I can go for that too, adding little deatil on the shoe, yet keeping it simple in design. I also like how the laces arern't toovisible, meaning less to model.

This seems a little more along the lines of what Johnny would wear. The deatil is nice, though when it comes to CG, I'm unure of how to create such holes, likely the same as when I created the chair last year. Though it'll become far too tedious, and if a mistake is made, it'll possibly ruin the whole shoe. The sole if the shoe seems simple enough though.

This is more of hat I had in mind for johnny's shoes. Thoguh now, I think a lttel more deatil like one of the shoes above will be beneficail, not only for th animation and the design of Jonny himself, but for my Maya skills also. I'm thiking a square end, with a more greyish colour, like the shoe above with some detail like the top shoe perhaps. Though no lces as the trousers wil be slightly hanging over the shoe anyway.

Soles are thicker on this shoe, moreso than the preious one, which seemed almost non-existent towards the toes, meaning less comfort. The stutching following alongside the shoe is a nice detail, something I hope to add to my own design later on.

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